Curriculum for Excellence

Curriculum for Excellence places learners at the heart of education. At its centre are four fundamental capacities. These capacities reflect and recognise the lifelong nature of education and learning. The four capacities are aimed at helping children and young people to become:

As part of their learner journey, all children and young people in Scotland are entitled to experience a coherent curriculum from 3 to 18, in order that they have opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to adapt, think critically and flourish in today’s world.

Curriculum is defined as the totality of all that is planned for children and young people from early learning and childcare, through school and beyond. That totality can be planned for and experienced by learners across four contexts:

Four contexts

At St Dominic’s RCPS Citizenship groups made up of P4-7 pupils will meet each week. P1-3 will undertake play citizenship activities during this time. This is an exciting opportunity for pupils to work with pupils from different classes, develop leadership skills and have an encouraging member of staff to talk to if they are finding something tricky or challenging in or out of class.

Groups of children from different classes who have chosen a specialist group or been elected onto the Pupil Council will also meet on a three-weekly basis. The groups consist of Pupil Council, Rights Respecting School, Eco-School, Digital Leaders and Health Promoting Schools. Each group will take their own minutes and set an agenda. Watch our website for updates on their plans.

Each pupil at St Dominic’s is in an allocated house group; St Matthew’s (blue), St Mark’s (green), St Luke’s (red), St John’s (yellow).