ELC Lunch & Snacks Menu

Lunch Menu

Scan the QR code on the menu above for nutrition and allergen information.

School Meals Parent Information Newsletter – March 2024

Snack and Milk Menus

This may be supplemented on occasion with baking and cooking activities.

Allergen and/or Dietary Menu Process

If your Child has an allergy or dietary requirement, please complete the form below and email it to both: ECSCateringSupport@pkc.gov.uk and st-dominics@pkc.gov.uk


DownloadMedically_prescribed_diet_leaflet Download

Once this has been processed, we will email you a copy of the specialised menu and ingredients list.

Or, if you have already completed the above form and need to provide an update to an allergy or dietary requirement please email both: ECSCateringSupport@pkc.gov.uk and st-dominics@pkc.gov.uk